
2021-09-10  来自: 常州市金诚工程担保有限公司 浏览次数:992


I. General rules for company’s external security


i. A company’s external security shall be effective with appropriate resolution


According to Article 16 of Company Law of the People's Republic of China ii (the “Company Law”), if a company provides security for others, a resolution passed by the board of directors, or the board of shareholders, or general meeting shall be required. In the case of a company providing security for its shareholder or its actual controlling party, the resolution shall be adopted by the board of shareholders or general meeting only. The external security of a company shall be binding if it goes through the process set above and there is no other condition that affects the validity of the security contract, and the company shall bear the corresponding security liability thereof.


In case of a company with an executive director instead of a board of directors with special regulations stipulated in the Articles of Association that external security related matters shall be decided by the executive director, the signature of him to approve the external security shall be deemed as a resolution of the board of directors. Moreover, the Supreme People’s Court of PRC (the “SPC”) held that if the executive director is also the legal representative of the company, he shall sign as the executive director specially to approve the external security, otherwise the signature of him as legal representative on the security contract shall not be deemed as the resolution of a board of directors to approve the external security.iv


ii. Where the resolution is ineligible, or forged, or altered, the external security shall still be effective if the counterparty is in good faith


We should attend to the following problems to decide whether the counterparty is in good faith:

1. 法院是否应当主动审查相对人是否善意

(i) Whether the court should take initiative to examine the counterparty in good faith.


The SPC held that whether the creditor (that is, the counterparty) was in good faith while signing the security contract was a fundamental fact and shall be ascertained even if no party raise the corresponding defense. vi

2. 谁负有证明相对人善意的举证责任

(ii) Which party shall bear the burden of proof.


Article 7.3 of the Interpretation of Supreme People's Court on Application of the Security System under the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (the “Interpretation”) provides that a counterparty is in good faith if he “has evidence to prove that he has reasonably examined the resolution of the company”. Therefore, the counterparty bear the burden of proof in this case.

3. 相对人对决议的审查标准

(iii) Standard of counterparty’s examination on the resolution.


Although the Interpretation used the word ‘reasonably examined’, it is still limited to formal examination. The counterparty shall be deemed to fulfill his obligation of examination as long as the entity that resolved conforms to company’s articles of association, the identity and the number of the director(s) or shareholder(s) is consistent with the registration at relevant local Administration for Market Regulation, and the shareholders without voting right did not vote. The company cannot claim that the counterparty is not in good faith by reasons such as the resolution is forged or altered, the process of resolution is illegal, or the signature on it is not true, unless it can prove the counterparty has known of the situation aforesaid.

4. 相对人善意与否的法律后果

(iv) Legal consequence of whether the counterparty is in good faith.


If the counterparty is in good faith, the company’s external security is valid and shall bear the corresponding security liability. After that, the company may claim for indemnification to its legal representative who exceeded his authority to provide security. For the counterparty not in good faith, the security contract is void and the counterparty may claim the company at fault for compensate under Article 17 of the Interpretation.


iii. A company’s external security is null and void without appropriate resolution


It is for sure that the counterparty failed his obligation of reasonable examination if the company has no resolution on external security, therefore the security contract is not binding and the company has no security liability in this case. Some counterparty may argue that the representations and warranties made by company in the security contract including an eligible resolution and ask the company to bear security liability accordingly. Under the circumstances that the counterparty is gullible on representations and warranties clauses in the security contract without examination on the resolution, for protection of the legal order, the SPC consider the representations and warranties are inadequate to prove counterparty’s good faith if he did not fulfill the reasonable examination obligation. However, the liability for compensation provided by Article 17 of the Interpretation shall still apply.


iv. Exceptions for section I pointed in chapter iii.


Article 8 of the Interpretation provided three exceptions in which a company’s external security is still valid disregard of the lack of the resolution: (a) letter of guarantee issued by a financial institution, or the security provided by a security company; (b) security provided by a company to its wholly-owned subsidiary; or (c) security contract signed by company’s shareholder(s) who separately or jointly hold two-thirds or more of voting rights with regard to security matters. It needs to be noted that aforesaid items (b) and (c) shall not apply when a listed company or a wholly state-owned company provides security.


II.  Rules and exceptions on external security provided by company’s branch


Resolution passed by the board of directors, or the board of shareholders, or general meeting is also required for a company’s branch to make an external security. If there is no resolution and the counterparty is in good faith, the company or its branch still shall bear the security liability. While there is no resolution and the counterparty is not in good faith, the company or its branch may bear liability for compensation provided in Article 17 of the Interpretation.


Besides, the financial institution and/or its branch shall also assume security liability to counterparty with good faith when (a)the letter of guarantee is issued by its branch even the branch exceeds its business scope registered in business license and is not authorized by the financial institution; or (b)the branch provides other security without resolution and permission of the board of directors or the board of shareholders or general meeting of the financial institution.


Where the counterparty is in good faith, the security company shall bear corresponding security liability when its branch provides security without its permission.


III.  Rules and exceptions on external security provided by listed company


i. Security contract signed by listed company is not binding until disclosed


Unlike general companies (that is, non-listed companies), the counterparty shall sign the security contract in accordance with the announcement disclosed by the listed company stating that the security matter has been adopted by the resolution of the board of directors or the shareholders' general meeting. The security contract is not binding on the company if the counterparty only relies on the resolution rather than the disclosure announcement.


ii. Standard of counterparty’s examination on listed company announcement


The counterparty should examine the following contents of the announcement: (a)whether the security is permitted by the board of directors or the shareholders' general meeting; (b)identity of the debtor; (c)amount of the security. Most noteworthy is that the announcement must entail whether the security is permitted by the board of director or the shareholder’s general meeting. Only with the information of the security matter is not sufficient to make the contract binding. In the meantime, the counterparty does not need to examine company’s articles of association with the existence of the announcement.viii


iii. Entities to whom the previous rules apply


Firstly, the rules apply to listed companies and their disclosed holding subsidiaries. It should be noted that the resolution shall be made by the subsidiary if the subsidiary intends to provide security to external and the listed company only need to issue an announcement regarding the security matter.


Secondly, the rules apply to companies listed in the Main Board, the GEM, the SMEs Board and the new OTC Market. The rules do not apply to companies registered and listed abroad. However, the SPC has not yet declared clearly if these rules apply to domestic companies listed overseas or listed both domestic and overseas.


iv. Legal consequence of invalid security provided by listed companies


Unlike allocation of liability in general company, the listed company shall neither bear security liability nor do they bear liability for compensation, even if there is a fault of the listed company in the case of invalid security. This is a new rule established by the Interpretation. Before that, there is no difference in allocation of liability between listed companies and general companies under such circumstances. According to the principle of non-retroactivity of law and to protect the reliance interest of the counterparty, the rules established by the Interpretation shall only apply to security matters that occur after the Interpretation takes into effect, that is 1st January 2021. Therefore, if the security contract signed by a listed company before that date is not binding, it shall still bear liability for compensation according to the laws and regulations at that time.






This article has been prepared for general reference purposes only and should not be relied on as legal advice or regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. Readers should seek specific legal advice from legal professionals before acting with regard to anything contained in this article.

关键词: 公司对外担保规则           
